Manipulator for mounting a charger into a car
On the car assembly line, an operator uses this suspended manipulator to remove the charger from a cart, which he then rotates on the manipulator to mount the bracket. After that, it is attached by the beam directly on the car bodywork, where the manipulator is automatically clamped on the rear bumper opening. The operator continues by rotating the arm with the charger and directing the bolt of the charger to the correct position in the bodywork there the arm automatically locks so that the operator can bolt the charger. When the operation is complete, the arm tips out from the bodywork, the manipulator unlocks from the bodywork and when the operator moves it to the side outside the line, it automatically returns along the line to the initial position ready to repeat the operation.

Interesting facts
The manipulator is suspended from the roof structure and moves along the rail in both horizontal axes. The movement in the vertical axis is controlled by the operator himself, but it is partly automated. The device is designed as purely pneumatic and is also very light to make it easy to work with.
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